TMS Global Warming

How Does Global Warming Affect Animals?

Global Warming has a huge effect on animals. Many animals are on the race of extinction because of Global Warming. Most of these animals that are endangered are related to the oceans from preying on ocean animals to living in the oceans itself. It is important for us to help these animals and protect their habitat or home. Some of the animals that are endangered are below.

Polar Bears

Global Warming is harming the Antarctic habitat of Arctic animals. They are losing their homes, and drowning. Polar bears are on the race of extinction. They live in the Arctic and the ice there is melting which is giving them less places to live on. Polar bears can swim, but they can’t swim for that long. And without somewhere to stand this results to them drowning and easily getting themselves extinct from the face of the Earth.

Leatherback Sea Turtles

These turtles are the largest out of all turtles and they about nine feet long and can weigh nearly a ton. These turtles where listed endangered since 1970. Sea levels are rising from the glaciers melting causing the Leatherbacks to lay their eggs on beaches where humans go. Tropical Storms fill the warmer seas which destroy beaches and damage the nest of the Leatherback. The hatching of Leatherback eggs is becoming difficult as the sands on beaches rise in temperature. Also the Leatherbacks use the currents to travel and they are followed by prey.

Tufted Puffins

Tufted Puffins have orange breaks and feet and golden feathers up their heads. Tufted Puffins eat small fish that are very sensitive to water temperatures. While the temperature is rising these fish are disappearing which cause less food for the Tufted puffins. Their global population is still large but, there disappearing from the Sothern parts of their range. Without their source of food these birds will not be able to exist.

Monarch Butterflies

These butterflies have a wingspan of 4 inches and have tiger coloring on their wings. And they also have beautiful wings which has the colors orange, black, and white. The temperature change affects these traveling animals. The weather is predicted that over the next 50 years the place where they hibernate in central Mexico will freeze with the all the rain. Also the summer the Milkweed plants where the butterflies give birth will begin to decrease. This will eventually lead to their extinction.